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I still remember the day I took the plane for France in sum- mer 2016. On the plane, I was full of enthusiasm and anticipation. France is a country which means a lot to me. My father lived in Montpellier and Paris for many years to study when he was my age, and my mom studied French literature for her Bachelors Degree. Maybe that is why France is so special to me, and maybe my french life is just the way it’s meant to be. After a 13 hour of flight and 4 hours on the train, I finally got to this lovely town, la Roche-sur-Yon.

To be honest, la Roche is a smaller town than I expected. Maybe that is because I have only ever experienced big cities such as Paris, Bordeaux or Lyon. However this small town has many ad- vantages over those big cities. For example, this town is free from city noises. You barely hear police sirens in the dis- tance or drunken people shouting during the night. Secondly, you can go everywhere without needing a car. Bakeries, the train station, super- markets, and school etc, you can get anywhere by foot. This is beneficial for both your own health and the environment.

What I really loved about la Roche, is the people I met. Most of the people that I have gotten to know have been fellow students from ICES. Honestly, I was a little worried because I am a timid person, but everyone has been very accepting and soon after we became fast friends. Sometimes we go out for drinks or study together, all the while having great fun. I’ve made friends not just from ICES, but also from my residence. I’ve met people from all over the world and everyone has embraced each others cultures and nationalities. Many people perceive French people to be cynical and cold-hearted but in my experience, the opposite is true, they seem to be just as shy as me. When you open up to them, they will do the same to you.

During the classes, I was quite impressed by their work ethic. In my home university Korean Students tend not to participate in class to the same extent as their French counterparts. Whereas French students have no hesitations when expressing their opinions and view in class, which in my opinion, is better. Considering I major in Political Science it was a huge opportunity for me to have the chance to study in France. During my studies I have been able to listen to the opinions of French students view on politics in France and in Europe, which has given me a lot of new information, this will be a great aid to me in Korea to continue my studies.

I consider myself to be a very lucky guy. Not as a lot of people my age have not been afforded the same opportunity as I to study for a year in France. I have had an amazing experience here from eating fresh baguettes every day to sampling various cheeses and sipping on genuine french wine. Time has flown by so fast and my final days here are just beyond the horizon. 9 months I have been here and I wish I could just make time stand still, but alas, it cannot be, as I must return home to finish my studies. The memories I am so fond of from my time here, all of 9 months and 10 days, will be close to my heart forever, you can be sure this experience of a life- time is one I will never forget.

Finally, Thank to all of you who have made this experience so enjoyable. I am sure that I will come back to see you in the near future. And I would just like to say “thank you”, and “good luck” in continuing with your amazing future!

Danny Hwi Joon KIM (étudiant Erasmus)

Article paru dans la Ruche 2 - mai 2017

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